
Graduated cum laude in Law in 1975 at the University of Parma. Lawyer enrolled in the Bar Association of Parma since 1978. Qualified to practice before the higher courts. Registered in the Register of Auditors. He also works in English and French.
Co-founder of the professional association “Studio Legale Avanzini- Brunazzi – Cacciani – Ziveri” which later became “AbcZeta Associate Law Firm”.
The main activity is focused on contracts, including international ones, on commercial and corporate law.
He also deals with the management of corporate crises, following both the restructuring of organic plants and the economic/financial aspects, also using insolvency procedures for arrangement with creditors or out of court.
He has worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Law of the Universities of Parma and Milan (Statale). He is the author of articles and collective and monographic essays, of articles published in the Juridical Encyclopedia and in the Digest.

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